Wednesday, March 28, 2012


3.1 Jobs
1.      Janet mends watches.                    He is a watch mender.
2.      Mac manages a supermarket.         He is a supermarket manager.
3.      Ann sells books.                            She is a book seller.
4.      Mandy takes photographs.             She is a photographer.
5.      Jimmy sweeps roads.                     She is a road sweeper.
6.      Richard and Liz act in film.                       They are film actors.
7.      Angela reads the news on television. She is a news reader.
8.      Chris plays classical music on the guitar. He is guitarist.
Now explain what these people do:
E … is a person who +v5 + obj.
1.      A secretary                        is a person who           helps the manager.
2.      A cashier               is a person who           deals with cash.
3.      A mechanic                       is a person who           repairs machine.
4.      A plumber             is a person who           fits water pipes.
5.      A night watchman  is a person who           gives security at night.
6.      A gardener             is a person who           works in garden.
7.      A receptionist        is a person who           welcomes to the guests.
8.      An air hostess        is a person who           welcomes to the air passengers.
rgin-b� R m 0 �� �� -left:.25in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;mso-add-space:auto; text-indent:-.25in;line-height:normal;mso-list:l1 level1 lfo2'>6.      I hope they are not worried about me.       I think I'll visit next month.
7.      I've had enough of these mice running all over the flat.
                                                                        I think I'll use mouse trap.
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­2.4 Intensions and plans
… Talk about the people's intensions using: [going to, planning to, intending to, thinking of … ing]
ESub + is/am/are + going to/planning to/intending to + v1 + obj.
    Sub + is/am/are + thinking of + v4(ing) + obj.
1.      Roger has decided that he doesn't earn enough money.
He is going to do social work.
2.      Wendy has decided that her life isn't exciting enough.
She is going to visit new places.
3.      Grandfather has decided that it's not safe to keep his money under his mattress.
He is going to deposit in the bank.
4.      The Robinsons are worried because their house is full of valuable antiques.
They are going to keep security guards.
5.      Janet has just bought 100 kilos of cheese.
She is going to give a party.
6.      Alex has taken all of his money out of his bank account.
He is going to buy a new house.

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